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1 3月19日


作者:uname         2010/3/19 10:18:10    |  回复此帖子    
2 回复:3月19日
     After realizing that most guides found the internet were focused on the most played characters classes in World of Warcraft. [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]wow power leveling[/url] (I know, I know.....DUH!) I decided to bring along a much needed druid guide to powerleveling. It took a [url=http://www.ygscn.net/PowerLevel.php?gid=1]wow power leveling[/url] while to find one on the internet that many people have used and feel like it is the best one to post here to help druids out. [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/buy.php]wow gold[/url] Anyway, i'll be quiet now and let you get on with checking out the guide. NOTE: This build is a bit tweaked toward a PvP server as that is the kind of server that I play on, so you [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/powerlist.php?fid=7422]aion power leveling[/url] might need to tweak it a little bit for PvE. I've also assumed that you'll be soloing right up until 60 (if you start [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net/gamelist.php?fid=7656]aion gold[/url] doing high end instances before then you'll probably be forced to re-spec Resto like the rest of us are). Also bear in mind this sequence may have a few steps which look pointless but in fact those steps are in there to [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]cheap wow power leveling[/url] jump to the next useful talent. Lvl 10 - Nature's Grasp - rank 1/1 This is for the sole reason that [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]buy wow power leveling[/url] it's an EXCELLENT backup when you get ganked. Hammer it on and RUN (if you can't [url=http://www.toppowerlevel.net]cheap wow gold[/url] heal and sort them out)
作者:58.144.19.*         2010/3/27 13:18:34    |  回复此帖子    
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